What I Wore - *Romwe shorty shorty short dress!*

Man oh man! This weekend just flew by. More so than usual. Probably because it was a pretty busy one for me. I had my hair appointment Saturday (and if you follow me on Twitter you saw the insane bleaching my hair went through.) I'm happy to report that I finally got rid of all most of the black pieces!

Also, Sunday was the first official day that my fancy new vintage shop opened! I only have a few things listed now but will be adding more in the coming days! Woo hoo!

How was your weekend? 


Now to explain the title of this WIW post. I bought a dress for the first time on Romwe over the Thanksgiving holiday after seeing it on Miki's blog. I just HAD to have it. Well I got it on Saturday and it is just so darn cute but SOOOO darn short! I'm glad I'm only 5'3 because otherwise it may have been slightly obscene. 

Oh! Make sure to stop by Miki's blog to see how she styled the dress!

There is ZERO good explanation for this photo. I may be pretending to be a baby tiger or a kitten. I mean who knows...(take note of that amazing mood ring!)

Wears from Head to Toe - 

Glasses - Zenni Optical
Brooch - For Sale at Georgia Peach Vintage - This is one of my favorite brooch finds! <3
Mood Ring - Overboard Antiques - I haven't taken it off since I got it!
Dress - Romwe
Tights - gift from my boss from well over a year ago
Shoes - UrbanOG

Whew! That's it! 

Do you have any dresses that just barely stay on the "I'm comfortable wearing this in public" line? 

Talk to you soon!

  1. Very cute! Love all the pics and I also love Miki's "version"! Love her and her sweet blog! xxx

  2. You look so so cute! Love the dress and the hair. Do you like your hair??

  3. Cute! The tights really help it seem less shorty short.

    I have a red sweater dress that's borderline for wearing in public. It's a little hard to style because it's kind of dressy, and I feel like leggings make it look bizarre.

  4. Congrats on the Etsy shop- it looks great! I'm lovin the read hair! I was tempted to order that dress too after I saw it on Miki's blog- you both look adorable :)

  5. Awe, you look way better in it than me! ;) I really like it and feel it's comfortable, but the skirt makes me look like a lamp shade, hahaha!

    I also looove your new hair color! And the brooch!

    Have an awesome week, Jenna! ;D


  6. Ohhhhhhhhh! I love it!
    Kiss from France!

  7. omg jenna you are SO FUNNY. i love the "baby tiger" photo, i seriously lol'ed.

    oh and the dress. !!! love!! think we can do this dress for the swap in january? you can pick out whatever dress you've seen of mine that you love!


  8. I am obsessed with that mood ring too!! So amazing. AND it looks like a Vampire Diaries ring too :)

    Haha, I can't believe that dress is so short on you. I had a look at Miki's blog and it doesn't seem short on her. Maybe you just got a weird short dress??

  9. Hey, I tagged you on my blog! Go check it out! xxx

  10. Jenna - that is absolutely the cutest dress....what era are you from ? 50's....Love the hair too.

  11. i've been eyeing this dress like mad but no idea if it would fit! would it be totally inappropriate of me to ask what size you bought? i hate how romwe only has one size in a lot of their dresses. i can't remember if this is one of them or not! you look DARLING!


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