Fabulous Friday Finds - AND my 200th post!

Holy moly! 200 posts?? That is nuts. 

In less than one year I've racked up 200 posts. I hope you've enjoyed the first 200 and stick around for a couple hundred more! 

So what's everyone up to for the weekend? 
I have a long overdue hair appt (and eyebrow appointment!!) tomorrow. I'm almost all red, I've got some difficult black stragglers holding strong, if anything they will be grown out before too long and then chopped off! 

Ready for some finds??

PS - It's Pay Day that means...I can FINALLY get the prints I've been eyeing from Kate!

While I do LOVE the lovely Emma Stone, it's the not reason for the photo, I am dying to try the new Revlon Colorburst line of lipstick. Peach Parfait in particular (which is what Emma is wearing) but my goodness it is hard to track down in a store! 

These adorable nesting dolls glasses from Fred Flare are on sale for $15! Can they be any cuter? I would more than likely drink a delicious mimosa out of one of these on a sunny Saturday morning. Then again on Sunday...whaaaat? Yep.

This gorgeous mini terrarium necklace from Woodii is just amazing. It's so delicate and earthy. I love that it isn't too large. The pendant is only 1.5 inches long. (There is a 15% off coupon code available too!)

Ahhh! These distorted candle holders from Uncommon Goods are amazing! I can't stop looking at them. Captivated by candlestick. It's true. They would make such an interesting decorative pieces on a dining room table!

Swoooooon!! I love these! (and they are on sale!) The adorable dog and cat necklaces from Uncommon Goods are absolutely perfect. The chain is a great length. Not too long or short and the simple silver can go with anything. *can you tell I'm trying to talk myself into why it's a great idea to buy one??*

Ta da! That's it! See anything you like/love? Do you treat yourself to something when you have a pay day? (Usually one thing multiplies very quickly...kinda like bunnies)

Have you tried the new Revlon Colorburst yet?

Oh come on and follow along on Twitter or Instagram (SewSavoirFaire) too! The more people I have to follow the better...I get chatty in the chair while waiting for my hair color to be done :p

Talk to you soon!!

  1. Congrats on your 200th post my friend. Here's to the next 200...may you (and all of your followers) enjoy them every bit as much as the first.

    LOVE nesting dolls glasses!

  2. Yay for paydays! ;D Gosh, I so need to fix my eyebrows! Can you believe that the one time I waxed them too much I messed my brows for life? :( They never grew back! Well, they do grow but only on my eyelids. I'm stuck with thin brows for good, ooh ...

    Have fun at the salon! :P And I agree, those necklaces are cuuute!

    Happy Friday, sweet Jenna!

  3. So in love with that terrarium necklace!!
    Unfortunately for me, I only work when I'm not in school, so my paydays and few and far between... :(


  4. Emma Stone is so lovely-- now I want to try that lipstick, too! And (re)dye my hair red. When I dyed it this summer it came out so dark red it was barely noticeable (I thought) but as my regular color grows back in, I'm noticing that my hair actually WAS really red compared to its normal color. Also-- those candlesticks! I may buy some!

  5. The nesting doll glasses are adorable!!!!
    Nice post :)

  6. Happy 200, my dear!
    And Lord. Emma Stone is to die for.

  7. Thank you so much for including the terrarium necklace! Also, congrats on your 200th post :) I was just thinking today how I would love to go get my hair done.. I hope you have fun!

  8. congrats on 200 posts, girrrl!! x

  9. hey Jenna!! I LOVE that color on Emma! and i have a dress that the color would totally work with. I see a trip to buy lipstick later.

    the nesting doll glasses and candlestick are both awesome. now i want to shop... LOL

  10. I too love Emma Stone and that peach lippy is such a gorgeous colour!!
    Congrats on the 200 post mark xo

    P.s I've just become a follower.
    You have such an incredible shoe collection!!!!

  11. Hola! Congrats friend on your 200th post. Woohoo!!!! Hope your hair goes well. I have missed being able to chat to you. I'll be emailing you tomorrow. Talk to you then :)


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